MaiL Massive Open Online Course

The main objective of the MOOC “Management of Marginal Lands and Carbon Sequestration estimation through Remote Sensing and GIS” is to provide training, knowledge and information about the tools methodologies and techniques that were developed during the implementation of the MAIL project. The course is addressed to foresters, surveyors, remote sensing, GIS specialists and students.
During the courses you will have the opportunity to learn about:

  • How we define and describe marginal lands.
  • Existing global and European datasets that can be used to characterize marginal lands.
  • How to identify and classify marginal lands.
  • How to estimate existing biomass using remote sensing data like optical and SAR satellite data or Airborne laser scanning systems.
  • Information regarding carbon storage and accounting.
  • Training on how you can use the Google Earth Engine based platform for marginal land management that was developed during the MAIL project.

The course includes short theoretical presentations followed by practical videos focusing on the developed methodologies during the MAIL project and workflows. This MOOC is hosted on the UPV[x] platform, being totally free and open to anyone.

Invitation to MOOC

You can enrol MaiL MOOC here