
Marginal Lands (MLs) could offer suitable carbon sinks by afforestation/reforestation projects without being competitive to food production, conforming to EU/Global policies. The main objective of MAIL is to trigger utilization of MLs as Carbon Sinks by activities related to forestry and agriculture. The project aims to detect and classify mountainous and semi-mountainous Marginal Lands (m/sm MLs), in order to deliver a web-based regional platform with data, methodology and applications which will be valuable for policy makers, stakeholders or researchers. Read More about “Overview”


The consortium structure is based on three fundamental pillars which complement each other, as represented in the following sketch. The expertise of each member of the consortium is of great importance for the implementation of the project, which is ensured by the intersectoral collaboration between the academia as high level research entity and the private sector as an entity of applied science. Towards that Private sector will act complementary to the academia, by offering state of the art industrial equipment, enrichment of teaching material with practical examples and opportunities to apply skills and knowledge to real business problems. Read More about “Partners”

Press note – 1st project meeting

Press note – 1st project meeting

On October 22nd, 2019 the 1st meeting of the MAIL project took place in Soria, at the premises of Cesefor Foundation. During the first day, representatives from all consortium partners discussed the progress achieved during the first year of the project....

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